Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Well, it is officially vacation. I hope the kids made it home with everything they needed. After I take a breather, I will try to post some pictures of Polar Express Day as well as the goings on over the last 2 weeks.
We have been participating in a holiday card exchange. We sent cards to 29 schools across the US and we in turn received cards from them. I did not get a chance to take a picture of the cards, but someone did actually post their cards on display. Included in that video is our card! Look closely for the card with 4 fingers made into snowmen. Above it will say Peabody MA.
Click Here to see the video!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Our New Center

Many thanks to the Frost family for the contribution of the My Little Ponies.  The kids were thrilled to finally open the castle.  There is now a waiting list to go play there. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Portable North Pole

I am not into the Santa Websites...but this one caught my eye. You can make a video for your child and have Santa comment on something you want him/her to do (get along, clean your room, try new foods etc..) Santa is able to show a picture of your child (that you supply) say where you live (the state) and even talk about what they want from Santa. Check it out!
Portable North Pole

Carroll School Craft Fair

The Carroll PTO has been kind and given me a table to raise money for the Autism Speaks Walk. I walked in September, but can fund-raise until the end of the year. I hope to meet my $1000 goal by then. I have been busy sewing up Capri Sun recycled products- they make great holiday gifts. Come to see me at the fair!

Some Pictures From Class

We did these really great alphabet watercolor painting to practice our uppercase letters. The kids wrote the letters with crayon after blocking out each section of the paper. Then they watercolored each section with a different color.
I challenged the kids to make 3 dimensional letters of the alphabet with the legos. This proved harder than I thought but we had a few successes. A lot of the children were trying to lay the legos flat to form the letters instead of building them tall.

It's Been A While

I feel like it has been a while since I have posted other than the Turkey pictures. It is a busy time here in Kindergarten both with report cards and us working on special holiday presents to bring home. I will try to post more often but I would guess it will get better after December.
Coming up in December- Our Polar Express pajama day. This will be on the Friday right before the holiday break. We will send more detail home in the next week or two. Also, Mr. Vee is having his Holiday Concert. Each grade sings 2 songs and it's a packed house so get your seats early!